The Utapaun Power Team

Utapauns are a species of people who reside in the Utapa system. While they are normally a peace-loving people, they were drawn into both the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War by circumstance. While they are generally a weak fighting group, they do have their strong points, mainly in the form of domesticated creatures. Lead by Tion Medon, the Utapauns are sometimes able to hold their own, and can sometimes do a bit more.

I have made it one of my goals to create a legal squad of mainly Utapauns. I have made several attempts at this before, all of which proved unsuccessful. Utopians just are not that strong in any sense; they are filler-minis, destined to play second part to greater figures. At least, that’s how it was when they were first released in the Revenge of the Sith expansion set.

Now with the uber-sweet Utapaun on Dactillion, released in the latest expansion Bounty Hunters, the Utapauns finally have some heavy fire power. The dactillion can fly, allowing it to by-pass enemy blockades and giving it a potential tactical advantage. With a high attack and more damage, two dactillions added to the mix might help turn the tide for the Utapauns.

Can this prehistoric-ish beast turn the tide in my next battle? Probably not, but never tell me the odds.

Any 200-point squad can beat another squad in a skirmish match. The dice just has to be in your favor. Therefore, since in theory I could beat any team out there, I’d rather start out after the big dogs. That’s right. I’m going after the 200-point single “mini” Imperial AT-AT. The test is simple: take down the AT-AT with the new squad. It could work. Or at the very least, a dactillion could sneak past the AT-AT and peck it to death from behind.

The Imperial AT-AT with it's minions

Anyway, victory is the goal. And I shall stop at nothing until victory is achieved.


Yippie! An internet-based comic!!

Happy Freak'n Winter

Family Photo, 2006

Well “friends,” it’s that time of year again,… when we have nothing better to do than sit around, reminisenting about the bass-ackwards days of yore over bottles of cheep rum. Since the rum always seems to be gone I need to go get some. But before I head below deck to grab a cold one and briefly talk with Orlando Bloom’s water-logged father, I would like to present to you my semester in review:

Best Office-related avatar of the year

In August, this semester started innocently enough. With only four classes and 12 hours total, I was looking forward to an easy and rather enjoyable time. The classes should be easy enough: British Literature through 1800, Modern History (elective), Journalism Law and Ethics, and Multi-Ethnic American Literature. The only problem I knew that I would be facing is financial difficulties since I started the school year jobless but with a little saved up. But I started to get a very bad feeling about all of this when I went to my first class and this is what I saw:

"I'm sure we will all have fun in this class"

While a couple of people ran screaming from the room never to be seen again, I fought back the urge to do the same. I now regret that but at least I did well enough to pass. My small papers were just not ever good enough for an “A” grade and my big all-important paper was just not “pushing the envelope enough” (even though I met all criteria, and when pointing it out to her she all but verbally agreed) to get a “B.”

Multi-Ethnic-whatever-it-was turned out to be my best class. It was complete and total bull. If you somehow worked the phrase “ethnic identity” into your answer for anything, you got your points for the day. The class had about 20 stories/novels/plays/articles as assigned reading; I read the equivalent of about one-fourth of one short story for the entire class, perhaps a total of 20 pages and I was told by both the prof and my fellow students that I came up with the most insightful comments. I actually spent the vast majority of the class using my laptop to either write papers for another class or have an ethnic cleansing of whatever group we were studying in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. For the latter, I would usually drive the combine around various locations in the inner city and use it to “harvest” their souls. Get it? Combine + “harvest” = GOOD CLEAN FUN! There were also numerous short response papers for the stories/what-nots and they were easily accomplished with the help of Sparknotes or random articles that were vaguely about some minuet aspect of an ethnic culture. Do you know the history of the Greek gyro? I do, but I was sworn to secrecy about it so I can never tell. And I conveniently don’t remember.

Also, as a note to all who have to take a class like this, when you get to Mexican-America literature, just say that “This part of the book is like in the movie Desperado where…” and then say something outlandish, even if you haven’t see the movie. Chances are the prof has not seen it either and will nod his or her head and complement you on your uncanny ability to bring pop culture references into the discussion. I spent a lot of time trying to bring up General Tso versus Colonel Sanders while we studied Asian-American crap but, alas, that was to no avail.

Asains made Pokemon very popular with American children

Journalism was pretty cool. The prof told many jokes in the class that the females and sexually questioning males all found distasteful. The lectures were combination PowerPoint/discussion/question-answer and I did learn a great deal. Journalism had only one downfall: the three tests, which were about 80% of the final grade. After each of the first two tests, we would spend an entire class period arguing over answers and pointing out questions that where worded strangely. To give you some idea, this fight of valor would usually result in me going up a full letter grade and the class argument would usually last the entire two hour time slot. It was a good time to be had by all.

The class that I struggled with the most this semester was a class that was designed to weed out the weak freshmen. After having several really well-written papers thrown back in my face with a big fat “D” on them for my history class (the dude’s sluty little grad student said that my Interview paper lacked a thesis when in fact it was the first sentence of the paper, as journalisticly written articles normally are, and she would not change it, probably because I didn’t offer to get involved with any “extra-curricular activities” with her), and after failing nearly every quiz in the class, I turned my grade around enough with the final exam and high attendance. The prof actually didn’t do much grading himself, since his research about 60-year-old concentration camps was just too important for him to put aside he left all the heavy grading, as well as much of the heavy lifting (if you catch my meaning), to his perky pal. If I ever see that prof again strutting about campus after a rendezvous with this grad student, I’ll remind him “Bros before hoes, dude. Bros before hoes.”

From what I learned in history class, this is how most World War I battles went

Now in December, I can look back at it all and say that this semester was the worst in my college history. It was one of the cheapest semesters, because not only did I buy no more than $30 worth of the several-hundred dollars worth of “required” books for the semester, but with the classes I was in there were almost no females that were worth spending money on, as opposed to the average of 1.33 ladies per semester that I have treated to my gracious company since starting at BG (or in some cases, begged for a date,… most cases). This is also the first time in my college career that my cumulative GPA dropped down below 3.0 (it’s at a 2.99 right now). Fortunately, it was also the final semester of regular classes because in January I will be starting Methods (where they train you to be a student teacher, as opposed to Student Teaching where you’re trained to be a real teacher) at Oak Harbor High School. We do get graded for methods, but from what I understand you either get an “A” or “F” for the four classes that make up Methods Block (as it is known for us AYA people.) …Or maybe that is five classes? Whatever, it will be hard work but the GPA will rise a respectable amount before the end of all things. I’ve still got a year of walking before I get to Mount Doom and can finally cast my One Ring into the fire from whence it came with jubilant ecstasy, but I can see it from where I am now.

I’m just really slow at walking in RL. My mommy says that’s what makes me special. If this was all like WoW, I could have been there and back again by now, just so you know.

OMG, just look at this tard...


i m teh pw0nr !!!!

What happens when you beat,... no,... DEFEAT two of the only other true Star Wars "freaks," if you will, that you know at a brand new version of Star Wars Trival Persuit DVD Edition?

Well for starters, you do not suddenly become popular with the ladies, if you know what I mean. For whatever reason, BG girls just don't understand the kind of skills that are necessary to win at that game after playing it for hours (I could have had it in the bag after 15 minutes but the dice was not my friend at first) and it took me until after 1 a.m., for Pete's sake, whoever Pete is. If that does not impress a female in BG,... then I guess growing a little bit of beard and not combing your hair does... for some reason. Maybe I look like a studious "bad boy" now or something. Whatever, I certainly don't mind the attention I've had the past couple of days.

But I digress.

This is from today's Something Awful; the truth of the new PS3:

At a Glance: The company that made video games mainstream, Sony's next-gen console is the only one powerful enough to contain all of Hideo Kojima's baffling Metal Gear storylines.

Cost: More than what you make in a month at GameStop.

Features: 3.2 GHz processor nicknamed "Cell" because developers feel like they are in a jail cell when they try to code for it.

The Cell processor can assign tasks to multiple processor cores freeing up resources for other tasks, you know, like the Xbox.

New wireless PlayStation 3 controller featuring more trigger-like L2 and R2 buttons, and a big PS3 "home" button in the middle, you know, like the Xbox.

The console will come in two flavors, a core package priced at just $499, and a "premium" package priced at just $599, you know, like the Xbox.

A brand new unified online service where players will have just one username across all games, leader boards, a friends list, avatars, and messaging, you know, like the Xbox.

A new version of the Cross Media Bar that will allow users to organize user profiles, view pictures, play movies, music, and more. Users can also download content from the "Marketplace", you know, like the Xbox.

A 20GB hard drive, you know, like the Xbox.

Will probably break the second you take it out of the box and turn it on, sadly, like the Xbox.

Linux comes pre-installed with everything you need to eventually hack the system so you can backup the games you rent from Blockbuster Video.

Sony is set to redefine the way you purchase video games! Buy the base game featuring no content whatsoever and then log onto the Sony Marketplace to buy the rest of the game for at least 300 more dollars! It's what gamers have been waiting for all these years! Add horse armor to your Nissan for only $1.99.

I was immediately reminded of a certain Penny Arcade comic about almost the same thing. It would seem that nothing ever changes. Ever.

Just another reason why I wish Rockstar would have gone with Microsoft instead of Sony, back in the day.


The post-Labor Day, End-of-Summer-and-all-things-that-are-Good Recap

What did I accomplish over summer?

- I had to end a career at a very promising young company simply because my school schedual wouldn't "jive" with their business hours. (Thanks a lot, BG!) So because I wasn't gonna be there too much come fall, they didn't want to work me a lot during summer in order to train and pay me replacement to be there.

- I lost basically no weight thanks to it getting hot out side so quick. (Thanks a lot, global warming doom-and-gloom-scientists!) And because Chinese food is now Genoa's biggest export, I probably gained the little weight back that I sweated off during my trips to San Antonio for the church and Band Camp for the old resume.

- I had a model air plane that I almost finished the first week of vacation; it's still sitting unfinished above my computer.

OK, so that's more like what didn't I accomplish.

I got a heavy amount of reading done during summer. And I got my old XBox working again (mod chip was messing it up). And I'm sure I learned a little about myself over summer,... I don't know what, but I'm sure there's something.

So, that's how I spent my summer vacation.


Exuberance revisited


While the memory and modem have been bought, sent, received, installed, and are functioning properly, the idea of having more a total number of hard drives greater than the number of two in the same computer is becomeing more complicated than I thought it would be.

The real issue is that, for whatever reason, the IDE two channel card that I got nearly two years ago now will not function as it should and will instead mess with every other hard drive on the system. It would be humorous how it destroyed an 80 Gig that was slaved on the normal IDE channel 0 on the mother board if it had happened to someone else, like a customer or the people who designed it.

And after getting the hard drive back from Western Digital, it happened again, to the same hard drive, this time on a channel off the card it self. Maybe my computer does not like seeing two identical hard drives together or maybe it just does not like me. Either way, it's headed to a reformating as soon as I can spare the time.

Also, beware the software that comes with Logitech mice (mouses when referred to comptuer mouse?). After installing the software, I was not able to use the scroll wheel and when I tried to uninstall the drivers (both automatically and throught the system32 folder), they only kept reinstalling themselves.

Jedi Master Milbrodt, out.



Insubstantial Exuberance

After fishing out extra parts from various places in my house, my home PC now contains the following components:

- P4 @ 2.8 GHz
- Asus mid-range board (800MHz FSB, nothing else special)
- 512MB DDR400
- DVD-RW +/- dual layer
- DVD-ROM (nothing special)
- 2 80G Western Digital IDE
- 1 40G W.D. IDE
- Radion 9200SE
- 5.1 sound card (Mad Dog?)
- WinTV2000 capture card
- a somewhat functional modem
- Mercury Ultra 133 card (up to 4 devices, works great)
- Thermaltake cigarette lighter/cup holder (lighter not powered)
- side window cut-out/graphic in the shape of the Ghostbuster sign

Who're YOU gonna call? (floppy and zip drives have been removed)

What I plan to update/add this summer:

- MORE BLOODY MEMORY!!! (1 Gig more, no less)
- digital card reader
- room for more drives
- front panel display for internal temp., power, memory, and CPU usage

Remember to defrag; I normally don't


Even in it's 7th generation, IE still sucks.

I've been using M$ IE7 for the past several weeks in both my work computer and home PC. I was great at first but then when I started trying to do some hax, I ran into the same problems and "dead ends" that I did with IE6. Firefox is still better, you can hax sites much easier and I will even go as far as to say that I works better with dial-up connections (like I still have at home).

If only Mozilla would write proper code to play all forms of Quicktime in their browsers, I might consider getting a sweet-look'n Firefox t-shirt.

While creating this post, I Googled 'Internet Explorer Sucks' and got this image. I think it speaks for it self...

My side of the planet is now tilted more towards a giant ball of fire.

As the summer season of West Nile Virus-spreading mosquitoes and Bird Flu carrying avians kicks into high gear (that reminds me, if you don’t want the Bird Flu, STOP PLAYING WITH THEIR FECES! ), I would like to announce this summer that I will be completing a revolutionary new form of diet and exercise program. This great new program, which I have dibbed the “Stop eating Twinkies and run around, you smelly, fat cow!” Diet, involves a number of pleasant morning and afternoon bike rides and jogs while cutting back the over-all intake of calories.

Many scientists will argue that while exercise certainly is necessary of developing better health, especially those who only sit on their butt playing computer games and watching “CSI” reruns when they have free time, simply cutting back on food intake can not be done. This may be dues to a chemical imbalance on the brain, creating the feeling of hunger when you are already full.

Well, to such scientists I say stop throwing fat people a bone and tell them to get off their fat butts and make the change. Fat people are only a drag on society, asking for government handouts for their diabetic stuff and money for more food. I plan to be down to a 32” waist, have a butt that girls wanna grab, and abs that mistake me for The Man of Steel by the time summer is over. And I am actually putting that in writing right here at the end because most males would have lost interest and stopped reading back in the first paragraph.



I just recieved word that Lucas has heard the cried of the people and will let the ORIGIONAL UNALTERED STAR WARS TRILOGY to released on DVD September 12.

CLICK HERE to see the great proclaimation!

They ain't gonna ruin the sound, they ain't gonna ruin the picture, they ain't gonna ruin 'nutten this time around. Anakin will not be a whiney, little prick (though he was alright in the last movie). Greeto won't shoot first. There's no Meow Skywalker.

Go tell it on the mountain, people!

... on and I took the last of my exams that will actually be hard just over an hour ago. One more tonight.

I'm glad I didn't hear about this monumentous event yesterday, or I would have not gotten any studying done.



It is now the middle of exam week, the sacred week where I actually do a little bit of studying. You'd be surprised how much better you could do in a test by having a brief review session with youself about an hour before the test. Not only does this act as a refresher but it also puts all the "new material" freshly into my mind.

That would be all the stuff that I wasn't paying attention for.

Well, since I'm all typed and hand-written and thinkinged out, I will simply leave this post as a brief "checking in"-style post. But, with one small bit of political commentary.


Do immigrants have the same rights of American citizens?
Technically, immigrants are American citizens, so yes they are intitled to all the rights of citizenship.
Do illigal "fence-jumping, Rio Grande-swimming" immigrants have the same rights as other immigrants and American citizens?
Well,... you can's shoot them in the head. That only creates problems. You get a mess on some guy's lawn, CSI teaches us that the bullet usually goes through us soft-bodied humaniods, then there's all that noise that will mess up everybody's sleep...

... other than that, no; they are illigal by definition and are not intitled to any citizen's rights.


It must have hurt when the angel named Ann Coulter fell from heaven.

When will you realize that we were ment to be, Ann? <3

From Matt Drudge:

The title and theme of a book which received one the largest advance paid to a conservative author can now be revealed:

Ann Coulter's GODLESS is set for release on 6/6/06.

The book -- which condemns what Coulter calls "The Church of Liberalism" -- will have a startling first printing of 500,000 copies, a publishing source tells the DRUDGE REPORT.

With chapter titles such as ON THE SEVENTH DAY GOD RESTED AND LIBERALS SCHEMED, and THE HOLIEST SACRAMENT: ABORTION, controversialist Coulter ups the ante in her fourth book for CROWN FORUM.

Of the prospect of squirrel hunting...

So yeah, with my parents and little sister gone all this week on the band trip to Florida, you'd think I'd be completely inebriated due to substantial amounts of alcohol, but in fact the opposite is true. I haven’t done any heavy drinking and feel just super, thanks for asking. The house is quiet at night except for the dog and I think I’m sleeping better.

This may for some reason be affecting my ability to think creatively since I have come up with one of the greatest ideas known to man: Intertron web videos, hosted by GoogleVideo or some other free place. The focus of this wonderful new media would be The Squirrel Hunter; an adventurer going about tracking the great, rare black squirrels of BGSU.

And seriously, they do exist. I HAVE BEHELD THEM WITH MY OWN EYES!

Future updates coming soon.


Real men level-up during Spring Break

Alas, the insubstantial, exuberantic period known as Spring Break has gone to pass yet again whilst I did nothing but practice sitting in front of my "magic, interactice picture-radio," basking in it's warm glow.

Oh well. Now I can get back to where I am comfortable wasting time as opposed to not knowing what to do with my free time.


Ann Coulter, I love you.

Hizza, hizza! It's Oscars night! The night were America unites and doesn't watch a moment of the biggest night of the year. But Family Guy is being replaced by a Will Smith movie so I will have nothing to do except level-up my sorceress in Diable II (her little pixily body is soooo XXL hot,... umm..., I would love to play with her bump maping...)

As many of you know, the "biggest" movie of the year is one about cowboys who get tired of having their way with their horses and dogs. And "biggest" is "biggest" in quotes because (1) NO BODY WANTS TO GO SEE IT (they havn't even released some number to find out how popular it really is) and (2) the movies that people did go to see, you remember, the one about the war in the stars (the one really good one of the three most recent), the wardrobe, witch, and lion one, and a couple of others, have no mention whatsoever.

Thank you, Glenn, for paying other people to think stuff like this up.

So now, exotic goddess and the love of my life Ann Coulter makes her first ever Oscar Predictions, the most amusing of which is the choice of one catagory in particular. I think it really shows the direct that mainstream Hollywood wants to take, which the majority of American won't let happen because no one wants to go see crappy movies like those featured throughout this year's awards. Her wise, Rush-like truth/humor follows:

Finally, my favorite category: best foreign language film. The nominees are:

— "Don't Tell" (Italy)

— "Joyeux Noel" (France)

— "Paradise Now" (Palestine)

— "Sophie Scholl" (Germany)

— "Tsotsi" (South Africa)

After consulting with the Yale admissions committee, the awards committee will give the Oscar to ... "Paradise Now," a heartwarming story about Palestinian suicide bombers. How good is it? Al-Jazeera gave it 4 1/2 pipe bombs. It's Air Syria's featured in-flight movie this month — go figure! I don't want to spoil the ending for you, but let's just say there won't be a sequel.

Normally, the smart money is on the Holocaust movie, so any other year, "Sophie Scholl" would have been the clear favorite. Unfortunately for the makers of "Sophie Scholl," their Holocaust movie came out the same year as a pro-terrorist movie, so they lose.

... indeed you are powerful as the Emperor has forseen...

Yesterday, I had the privilege of handing $200 over to people I both don't know and don't care to know so I could take two very long tests and prove that I am at least somewhat competent with literary stuff.

Me fail English? That's unpossible!

The first test was 120 questions of multiple-choice fun with 120 minutes to complete it. Normally, I would probably take about half that time to complete it, look over it for five minutes, and then just sit there like the a good little 23-year-old-who-still-lives-in-his-parents-house. But, probably since the test was at 7:30am on a &%#@ing Saturday, about half way through it I thought that I wouldn't make it and started rushing the questions. Five minutes of this go by (and I got a LOT of questions "answered") when the supervisor says that this is still an hour left. This made me feel somewhat better, as if I were going from "homicidal maniac Magee" crazy to a more "disgruntled post office employee" angry. And the questions were exactly what one would expect from an institution of "higher" "education." Plenty of liberal bias sprinkled in between Mark Twain and Shakespeare. One question actually did come right out and state "The Conservatives think that this planet is in good shape" and that we should be able to capitalize off the land and that's wrong or something. I saw "Conservatives" and "wrong" in the same line and just had to suppress a vomitous gag, but I didn't do it too well because bial shot out my nose and ears.

The second test I went into knowing nothing about. Turns out that it was made up of 12 multiple guess questions and 12 not-so-short answer questions. What ya do iz read a "completely logical and life-like" case study and answer "what should have been done instead of what the dumb-ass teacher did" questions. 4 case studies in all, one about an A.D.D. boy, and something about groups that won't communicate with each other; that all I remember. It seemed like just common sense stuff that you explain and *whala* you win. I did notice that there was a lot of people taking that were either in the Methods classes or were Student Teaching. I have not yet done either so maybe I wasn't supposed to take this yet. Oh well.

I'll get the results in 4 weeks.


Of spider venom...

No further comments.



Stardate: 2202

The following is from the comic geniuses from SomethingAwful.com. Well, actually it's from their readers who wrote in to talk about their experience on being a total jerk while playing their online games. Some of the other stories are just as incredible. Click anywhere in/on/around this sentence to check out more comedy, especially if you are at work and have writer's block like me. Hilarity ensues:

On my server, there is a very elite, very exclusive guild called "Absolution", that is very easily months ahead of the other guilds in terms of end game content. They completely dominate all PvP they partake in, have three 40-person teams farming Molten Core, and still find time to be relatively nice to anyone outside of their guild. From assisting with Onyxia runs to providing very generous incentives to the unlocking of AQ, Absolution has the shit on lockdown. So naturally, everyone and their sister Debra wishes to join them.

Now my guild, which I wanna make nameless, was as envious of their success as we were upset that we couldn't get membership. So we did what any rational smaller guild would do: we disbanded our guild temporarily, and created "AbsoIution". Note the capital I in the guild name- it is impossible to distinguish it from a lower case "l" in game. Now that we had the identity, we decided to expand & invite anyone who wanted to join. No surprise that in a 8 hour period our membership grew from 30 to 170.

From there it was all a matter of being complete dickheads in game and ruining their good graces. We ninja'd loot without prejudice, we had 20 people go AFK in Alterac Valley, we made General Chat in Ironforge our own personal guild chat. Then, a mere three days after the damage had been done and we had almost every single terrible dramawhore in our collection, my original group quit the guild, we gave leadership of AbsoIution to someone who rarely logs in, then reformed our original guild.

Absolution hasn't been the same since.


Of hot button issues...

This is the bottom of Glenn's front page today (if you check it out tomorrow, it will have changed), with some editorial highlighting and notes. I foung it most interesting what the average america is think about the hot bottom issue Glenn's pole (HA HA! I used the wrong word form! Classic.) is asking about...

I REALLY should be writing a paper right now for my 1pm class. Havn't started it yet.


...the first Galactic Empire

Galactic Empire, v1.0 (not actual size)

Ok, so every time I have people over they want to check out what it on display, Star Wars-wise. Since I've had the COMPLETE (that's right, even the variants) Episode III collection up for months, some since last April when the first waves were released, I thought I'd better take them down, dust them off and put them away for a while. But I just couldn't do that with all of them. The Empire, in it's early days, was a jewel before slowly degenerated into the evil that it fundamently was. This is the newly-formed empire, and all the current differnet variation of troopers and officers that have been released this year.

Also pictured is the entire (printed) series of New Jedi Order books. If you have only ever picked up books to use them as bug-squashers and table-levelers, you will still heartly enjoy this amazing series, full of twists and character depth,... and really sultry descriptions of hottie feme-Jedi Jaina Solo. Oh, yeah...

... and here's part 1 close up, to really appreciate the artistic qualities of Star Wars action figures

part 2

part 3

Stardate: 1702

Operation: Narnia

The best part:


I tried this before and it didn't work so...

This is a hilarious Rushism that I tried to post before and it failed miserably (or rather I failed miserably at posting it).

"Old Jedi don't die, they just fade away."

Below is a bigger (maybe but definetly full) version of my facebook photo. I think it's pretty damn sweet and, due to the substantial number of positive posts on my wall, so do you.

Click me to see me in all my glorious glory-filled glory

Playing with DAZ 3d

DAZ 3d is a sweet little (well, couple hundred megs) program and you can download for free and make some good quality 3d images. I've been working with it for a couple of concepts for work. One is a dinosaur that will be used in a promotion about upgrading your old computer with new parts. The other is just something that is an interesting idea I had and tests the limits of the programs, which go pretty far in my opinion (that's picture below). Notice how the light changes and reflects on the girl's,... um, well, it can make contoured reflecting surfaces so it's pretty darn sweet. This is actually the seventh or eighth version. It took a while to get the lava to glow like I wanted it to.

Stardate: 02162006...

Yeah,... I'm taking the Praxis II English and Teaching (?) exams on March 4 (that's the first saturday of spring break... kick ass). Gotta get up and be there at 7:30am. So until then, I'm pretty much gonna be out of communication unless I'm on the olde intertron studying (cramming).


All right... so, this is my blog. Really it's just a collection of junk that I either think or though was pretty sweet for whatever reason so I stuck it here.