...the first Galactic Empire

Galactic Empire, v1.0 (not actual size)

Ok, so every time I have people over they want to check out what it on display, Star Wars-wise. Since I've had the COMPLETE (that's right, even the variants) Episode III collection up for months, some since last April when the first waves were released, I thought I'd better take them down, dust them off and put them away for a while. But I just couldn't do that with all of them. The Empire, in it's early days, was a jewel before slowly degenerated into the evil that it fundamently was. This is the newly-formed empire, and all the current differnet variation of troopers and officers that have been released this year.

Also pictured is the entire (printed) series of New Jedi Order books. If you have only ever picked up books to use them as bug-squashers and table-levelers, you will still heartly enjoy this amazing series, full of twists and character depth,... and really sultry descriptions of hottie feme-Jedi Jaina Solo. Oh, yeah...

... and here's part 1 close up, to really appreciate the artistic qualities of Star Wars action figures

part 2

part 3


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