The post-Labor Day, End-of-Summer-and-all-things-that-are-Good Recap

What did I accomplish over summer?

- I had to end a career at a very promising young company simply because my school schedual wouldn't "jive" with their business hours. (Thanks a lot, BG!) So because I wasn't gonna be there too much come fall, they didn't want to work me a lot during summer in order to train and pay me replacement to be there.

- I lost basically no weight thanks to it getting hot out side so quick. (Thanks a lot, global warming doom-and-gloom-scientists!) And because Chinese food is now Genoa's biggest export, I probably gained the little weight back that I sweated off during my trips to San Antonio for the church and Band Camp for the old resume.

- I had a model air plane that I almost finished the first week of vacation; it's still sitting unfinished above my computer.

OK, so that's more like what didn't I accomplish.

I got a heavy amount of reading done during summer. And I got my old XBox working again (mod chip was messing it up). And I'm sure I learned a little about myself over summer,... I don't know what, but I'm sure there's something.

So, that's how I spent my summer vacation.


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