The Utapaun Power Team

Utapauns are a species of people who reside in the Utapa system. While they are normally a peace-loving people, they were drawn into both the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War by circumstance. While they are generally a weak fighting group, they do have their strong points, mainly in the form of domesticated creatures. Lead by Tion Medon, the Utapauns are sometimes able to hold their own, and can sometimes do a bit more.

I have made it one of my goals to create a legal squad of mainly Utapauns. I have made several attempts at this before, all of which proved unsuccessful. Utopians just are not that strong in any sense; they are filler-minis, destined to play second part to greater figures. At least, that’s how it was when they were first released in the Revenge of the Sith expansion set.

Now with the uber-sweet Utapaun on Dactillion, released in the latest expansion Bounty Hunters, the Utapauns finally have some heavy fire power. The dactillion can fly, allowing it to by-pass enemy blockades and giving it a potential tactical advantage. With a high attack and more damage, two dactillions added to the mix might help turn the tide for the Utapauns.

Can this prehistoric-ish beast turn the tide in my next battle? Probably not, but never tell me the odds.

Any 200-point squad can beat another squad in a skirmish match. The dice just has to be in your favor. Therefore, since in theory I could beat any team out there, I’d rather start out after the big dogs. That’s right. I’m going after the 200-point single “mini” Imperial AT-AT. The test is simple: take down the AT-AT with the new squad. It could work. Or at the very least, a dactillion could sneak past the AT-AT and peck it to death from behind.

The Imperial AT-AT with it's minions

Anyway, victory is the goal. And I shall stop at nothing until victory is achieved.


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