Insubstantial Exuberance

After fishing out extra parts from various places in my house, my home PC now contains the following components:

- P4 @ 2.8 GHz
- Asus mid-range board (800MHz FSB, nothing else special)
- 512MB DDR400
- DVD-RW +/- dual layer
- DVD-ROM (nothing special)
- 2 80G Western Digital IDE
- 1 40G W.D. IDE
- Radion 9200SE
- 5.1 sound card (Mad Dog?)
- WinTV2000 capture card
- a somewhat functional modem
- Mercury Ultra 133 card (up to 4 devices, works great)
- Thermaltake cigarette lighter/cup holder (lighter not powered)
- side window cut-out/graphic in the shape of the Ghostbuster sign

Who're YOU gonna call? (floppy and zip drives have been removed)

What I plan to update/add this summer:

- MORE BLOODY MEMORY!!! (1 Gig more, no less)
- digital card reader
- room for more drives
- front panel display for internal temp., power, memory, and CPU usage

Remember to defrag; I normally don't


Even in it's 7th generation, IE still sucks.

I've been using M$ IE7 for the past several weeks in both my work computer and home PC. I was great at first but then when I started trying to do some hax, I ran into the same problems and "dead ends" that I did with IE6. Firefox is still better, you can hax sites much easier and I will even go as far as to say that I works better with dial-up connections (like I still have at home).

If only Mozilla would write proper code to play all forms of Quicktime in their browsers, I might consider getting a sweet-look'n Firefox t-shirt.

While creating this post, I Googled 'Internet Explorer Sucks' and got this image. I think it speaks for it self...

My side of the planet is now tilted more towards a giant ball of fire.

As the summer season of West Nile Virus-spreading mosquitoes and Bird Flu carrying avians kicks into high gear (that reminds me, if you don’t want the Bird Flu, STOP PLAYING WITH THEIR FECES! ), I would like to announce this summer that I will be completing a revolutionary new form of diet and exercise program. This great new program, which I have dibbed the “Stop eating Twinkies and run around, you smelly, fat cow!” Diet, involves a number of pleasant morning and afternoon bike rides and jogs while cutting back the over-all intake of calories.

Many scientists will argue that while exercise certainly is necessary of developing better health, especially those who only sit on their butt playing computer games and watching “CSI” reruns when they have free time, simply cutting back on food intake can not be done. This may be dues to a chemical imbalance on the brain, creating the feeling of hunger when you are already full.

Well, to such scientists I say stop throwing fat people a bone and tell them to get off their fat butts and make the change. Fat people are only a drag on society, asking for government handouts for their diabetic stuff and money for more food. I plan to be down to a 32” waist, have a butt that girls wanna grab, and abs that mistake me for The Man of Steel by the time summer is over. And I am actually putting that in writing right here at the end because most males would have lost interest and stopped reading back in the first paragraph.



I just recieved word that Lucas has heard the cried of the people and will let the ORIGIONAL UNALTERED STAR WARS TRILOGY to released on DVD September 12.

CLICK HERE to see the great proclaimation!

They ain't gonna ruin the sound, they ain't gonna ruin the picture, they ain't gonna ruin 'nutten this time around. Anakin will not be a whiney, little prick (though he was alright in the last movie). Greeto won't shoot first. There's no Meow Skywalker.

Go tell it on the mountain, people!

... on and I took the last of my exams that will actually be hard just over an hour ago. One more tonight.

I'm glad I didn't hear about this monumentous event yesterday, or I would have not gotten any studying done.



It is now the middle of exam week, the sacred week where I actually do a little bit of studying. You'd be surprised how much better you could do in a test by having a brief review session with youself about an hour before the test. Not only does this act as a refresher but it also puts all the "new material" freshly into my mind.

That would be all the stuff that I wasn't paying attention for.

Well, since I'm all typed and hand-written and thinkinged out, I will simply leave this post as a brief "checking in"-style post. But, with one small bit of political commentary.


Do immigrants have the same rights of American citizens?
Technically, immigrants are American citizens, so yes they are intitled to all the rights of citizenship.
Do illigal "fence-jumping, Rio Grande-swimming" immigrants have the same rights as other immigrants and American citizens?
Well,... you can's shoot them in the head. That only creates problems. You get a mess on some guy's lawn, CSI teaches us that the bullet usually goes through us soft-bodied humaniods, then there's all that noise that will mess up everybody's sleep...

... other than that, no; they are illigal by definition and are not intitled to any citizen's rights.