It must have hurt when the angel named Ann Coulter fell from heaven.

When will you realize that we were ment to be, Ann? <3

From Matt Drudge:

The title and theme of a book which received one the largest advance paid to a conservative author can now be revealed:

Ann Coulter's GODLESS is set for release on 6/6/06.

The book -- which condemns what Coulter calls "The Church of Liberalism" -- will have a startling first printing of 500,000 copies, a publishing source tells the DRUDGE REPORT.

With chapter titles such as ON THE SEVENTH DAY GOD RESTED AND LIBERALS SCHEMED, and THE HOLIEST SACRAMENT: ABORTION, controversialist Coulter ups the ante in her fourth book for CROWN FORUM.

Of the prospect of squirrel hunting...

So yeah, with my parents and little sister gone all this week on the band trip to Florida, you'd think I'd be completely inebriated due to substantial amounts of alcohol, but in fact the opposite is true. I haven’t done any heavy drinking and feel just super, thanks for asking. The house is quiet at night except for the dog and I think I’m sleeping better.

This may for some reason be affecting my ability to think creatively since I have come up with one of the greatest ideas known to man: Intertron web videos, hosted by GoogleVideo or some other free place. The focus of this wonderful new media would be The Squirrel Hunter; an adventurer going about tracking the great, rare black squirrels of BGSU.

And seriously, they do exist. I HAVE BEHELD THEM WITH MY OWN EYES!

Future updates coming soon.